

Honoring the Blues through the Lifetime Achievement Award and other recognition.  

Among the Colorado Blues Society’s most important undertakings is to honor those individuals who through their artistic skills and far-reaching service have impacted Colorado’s blues community.

The Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by the Colorado Blues Society (CBS), will recognize and honor blues musicians who during their lifetime have achieved outstanding, meaningful and creative artistic significance for the people of Colorado or will recognize and honor non-performing individuals who during their service in the blues music community have made consequential and profound impact.  The Award is an honor for national and regional level musicians and on any level for individuals other than performance. 

The CBS shall present at least one Lifetime Achievement Award, or more, each calendar year. 

The Lifetime Achievement Award recipient must have amassed achievement during their lifetime of blues music performance, education, composition, production or cultural preservation or who have distinguished themselves by increasing awareness of and appreciation for the blues as a music art form. This person may be living in or outside of Colorado. The CBS may also choose to make the Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously if the circumstances are appropriate 

Over the years CBS has recognized blues musicians and bestowed various honors upon outstanding contributors to the Colorado Blues Society mission. 

-Heritage Award – to persons whose legacy reflects profound credit upon themselves and the blues. 
-Special Recognition – to outstanding CBS founders and members. 
-In Memoriam – to persons deceased who put forth praiseworthy dedication to the blues in their life. 
-Honorary Membership – to persons whose bearing on the Colorado blues community merits recognition and expressed gratitude

Recommendations sought for the Colorado Blues Society Lifetime Achievement Award.  

Your help is needed! Do you know someone who has shown extraordinary achievement in blues music or exceptional contribution to the mission of the Colorado Blues Society?   

If the answer is “yes”, then you may know a future recipient of the CBS Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Send an email to honors@coblues.org citing as many exceptional achievements as possible.  Examples might include where the nominee has repeatedly demonstrated: 

- A cumulative body work that elevates the blues by inspiration, instruction, or excellent example. 
-Bringing what CBS does to new communities or local nonprofits. 
-Expanding the repertoire of blues music art and literature through performance, scholarship or original composition. 
-Working behind the scenes or enabling others to make these achievements.